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Saturday, January 28, 2012

PARIS part 1

28 mei tahun lepas, sila ulang semula, tahun lepas, :) my mum, me and cuzzie went for trip. tujuan asal nak melawat cuzzie yang study medic di ukraine. memandangkan ukraine is a closed conutry, so nak masuk perlu invitation letter form my cuzzie. on the way to ukraine, kitaorang singgah certain countries for holiday. our first location was paris. we went to there by Air Asia X. now, the route had been closed. flight pukul 1.20am tetapi kitaorang departed at 2.30am. lama giler kan, semua passenger dah masuk dalam flight. tunggu nak take off jer. something wrong with flight engine. aku sempat tidur lagi. :) our flight to paris took around 12 hours. so, aku makan dan tido jer. nak lihat view luar, semuanya gelap gelita. :) my mum yang insisted singgah paris sebab nak bawa me and cuzzie g eiffel tower. she and my auntie dah g eiffel tower during their europe trip last few years back. on the next day, we arrived at paris around 10 am. our flight landed at orly airport. my mum dah booking minivan untuk ke hotel sejak di malaysia lagi tapi unluckily we missed the minivan due to delayed flight. tapi, minivan tue ada kat meeting point but no driver inside. nasib baik ada sorang driver minivan yang sudi hantar ke hotel. my mum said, inilah risiko bile bercuti. must be prepare if anything bad happens.

our hotel, hotel opera maintenon. hotel ni terletak kat lorong kecik jer. lorong nie penuh dengan restoran jepun.

waiting area hotel. takde lobby sebab hotel kecik jer.

kunci pintu... punyalah berat...kalau baling kena dahi, sure benjol... :)

ada 3 single bed. yang uniknyer, silingnya kaca . . . tue yang dapat shot macam nie.

view di luar hotel. memang banyak restoran jepun. tengok jer lah... nak makan, bimbang jika tak halal

to be continue... see u at PARIS part 2, check it out!!!


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